VALAD Plus® Booklist

1. Seeking Wisdom, From Darwin to Munger - Bevel *
2. Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion - Cialdini
3. Wealth of Nations - Smith
4. Poor Charlie's Almanac - Kaufman
5. Man’s Search for Meaning - Frankl
6. Ubiquity - Buchanan
7. The Selfish Gene - Dawkins *
8. Guns, Germs, and Steel - Diamond
9. Buffett, The Making of an American Capitalist - Lowenstein
10. Ben Franklin - Van Doren
11. Modern Times - Johnson
12. Heisenberg’ War - Powers
13. The Wisdom of Crowds - Surowiecki
14. Einstein - Issacson
15. Jobs - Issacson
16. The Road to Serfdom - Hayek
17. Outlive - Attia *
18. Meditations - Aurelius
19. The Complete Strategist, Being a Primer on the theory of Games of Strategy - Williams
20. When Genius Failed - Lowenstein
21. The End of Certainty - Prigogine
22. The Intelligent Investor - Graham
23. Against the Gods, the Remarkable Story of Risk - Bernstein
24. The Tipping Point - Gladwell
25. Chaos, Making a New Science - Gleick
26. Freakonomics - Levit and Dubner
27. A History of Economic Genius - Strathern
28. Models of My Life - Simon
29. Financial Shenanigans - Schilit
30. Free to Choose - Friedman
31. The Practice of Management - Drucker
32. The New Economics - Demming
33. Flow, The Psychology of the Optimal Experience - Csikszentmihalyi *
34. The Little Book that Beats the Market - Greenblatt (Recommending the beginning of book on fundamental Risk/Reward analysis in first five chapters)
35. The Code Breaker - Isaacson
36. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations - Landes
37. Zero to One - Theil
38. A Radical's Guide to Economic Reality - Black
39. The Improbability Principle - Hand
40. The Power of Habit - Prehigg
41. 12 Rules for Life - Peterson
42. House of Morgan - Chernow
43. Sea Wolves - Brownworth
44. India after Gandhi - Guha
45. The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon - Stone/Larkin
46. The Frackers - Zuckerman
47. Issac Newton - Gleick
48. Living with Limits - Hardin
49. Lee Kuan Yew - Graham/Blackwill/Wyne/Kissinger…
50. The Great Escape - Marton
51. 22 immutable Laws of Branding - Reis
52. Carnage & Culture - Hanson
53. The First Three Minutes - Weinberg
54. The Inner Game of Tennis - Galloway
55. Genome - Ridley
56. The Last Lion - Winston Spencer Churchill, Vision of Glory 1874 - 1932; The Last Lion - Winston Spencer Churchill, Alone 1932 - 1940 - Manchester
57. John Maynard Keynes 1883 - 1946 - Skidelsky
58. Paris 1919 - McMillian
59. Berkshire Annual Reports Including Owner’s Manual and Acquisition criteria
60. Money Mischief - Friedman
61. Pre - Suasion - Cialdini
62. The Undoing Project - Lewis
63. A Man for All Markets - Thorp
64. Nudge - Thaler *
65. Thinking in Bets - Duke
66. The Order of Time - Rovelli (be prepared for a headache)
67. The Fall of the House of Fifa - Conn
68. The Great Game - Hopkirk
69. What Every Body is Saying – Navarro
70. The Improbability Principle - Hand
71. The First Tycoon - Stiles
72. Red Notice - Browder
73. I Contain Multitudes - Yong
74. The Innovator's Prescription - Christensen
75. The Presidents Club - Gibbs
76. Thinking Fast Thinking Slow - Kahneman *
77. Range - Epstein
78. Talking to Strangers - Gladwell
79. Internal Time – Roenneberg
80. Atomic Habits - Clear
81. The Obstacle is the Way - Holiday
82. Caffeine - Pollan
83. Chasing the Sun - Geddes
84. How Innovation Works - Ridley
85. Conspiracy - Holiday
86. Cable Cowboy - Robichaux
87. Why We Sleep - Walker
88. Mastering Mental Math - Benjamin
89. Breath - Nestor
90. When Brains Dream - Zadra and Stickgold
91. The Last Days of Night - Moore
92. Sea People - Thompson
93. The Wager - Grann
94. 1491 - Mann
95. John Quancy Adams - Unger
96. So, Anyway – Cleese
97. The Intelligent Investor - Graham
98. The Last Man who Knew Everything - Schwartz
99. The Accidental Superpower - Zeihan *
100. Hitch 22 - Hitchens
101. Bad Blood - Carreyrou
102. Bernoulli’s Fallacy - Clayton
103. The Dream Machine - Waldrop
104. The Nature of the Beast - Anderson
105. Reality Is Not What It Seems - Rovelli
106. The Boys in the Boat - Brown
107. The Huberman Podcast - Huberman *
108. The Man from the Future - Bhattacharya
109. Can’t Hurt Me - Goggins
110. The Last Kings of Shanghai - Kaufman
111. John Marshall - Unger
112. The Code Breaker – Isaacson
113. Wooly - Mezrich *
114.The Only Three Questions That Still Count: Investing By Knowing What Others Don't – Fisher
115. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World - Weatherford
116. Talk to Strangers – Gladwell
117. Alexander Hamilton - McDonald
118. Fish That Ate the Whales – Cohen
119. Documentary Film, A Very Short Introduction - Aufderheide
120. The Art of Living – Epictetus
121. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China - Vogel
122. The Prosperity Paradox – Christensen
123. Atlas Shrugged - Rand
124. The Drunkard’s Walk – Mlodinow
125. Cool It - Lomborg
126. When to Rob a Bank – Levitt and Duben
127. Tools of Titans – Ferriss
128. Filters Against Folly - Hardin
129. The Data Detective – Harford
130. The Expectation Effect – Robson
131. Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman
132. Fortune's Formula - Poundstone
133. The Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn
134. Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor - Griffin
135. Prisoner's Dilemma - Poundstone
136. Quit - Annie Duke
137. The New Map - Daniel Yergin
138. Peak - Anders Ericsson

* Denotes VPIA™ Book of the Year

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